Rules & Registration


The eligibility requirements for NBPhO are the same as for EuPhO. The contestants should not have commenced their university studies, and their age in years (truncated to an integer) should not exceed 20 on June 30th of the year of the competition. If an educational institution cannot be clearly classified as a high school, a student is considered to be eligible if less than half of his/her lectures (on average for the last two years) have been on topics related either to physics or mathematics.

National teams

Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Sweden can each send a team of up to around 20 students (contestants), and a team leader. Each aforementioned delegation is expected to include also two or more observers who are incorporated into the Academic Committee. The possibility of accepting guest teams from other countries (with up to five contestants) is discussed individually in each case.

Participation fees

Updated on 13th of January 2023.

For official teams (i.e. teams from  Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Sweden), the fee is 150€ per contestant, and for guest teams — 150€ per person, including team leaders and observers. For all teams, the organizers will provide meals; tools, and rooms for the examinations, moderations, and board meetings; and experimental problem sets. The expenses are partially covered by the participation fees. Organizers provide accommodation for all main delegations for two nights. We do not provide accommodation for guest teams, but if needed, we can help find a suitable hostel or a hotel (for help, please contact Maris Velström at


Registration for NBPhO 2025 is open from March 12th to April 11th, 2025.
Register here