- The students need the following equipment: mobile application “Physics Toolbox Suite” or “Physics Toolbox Pro” (they should indicate which version of the Toolbox they are using), 1 litre bottle with water, a second container that can store a litre of water, a small (about 100 ml) cup of known volume (or other tool for measuring water volumes), paper, pencils, erasers, snacks, water, calculator.
- If your internet connection fails, contact one of the coaches of your country.
- Make sure the coaches of your country have your phone number, in case they detect a connection failure and need to inform you.
- We allow the same device for streaming and for viewing of the problems.
- You do not need to remove labels from your snacks or water bottles.
- Toilet breaks are allowed during the competition and there is no need to inform us about it.
One possible set of containers (example):